Tala Tutunji: A World Class Pianist from Jordan تالا توتنجي

Tala Tutunji: An Exceptional Pianist from Jordan, Proud of her Middle Eastern Heritage

For more info on Tala Tutunji, see her web site talatutunji.com where you can also listen to some of her amazing pieces (Also see bio in English and Arabic below video).

Carnival of the Animals- Introduction & Lion performed by Tala Tutunji

Tala Tutunji's Middle-Eastern roots combined with her passion for theatre have fuelled many ground-breaking performances across the globe. With a suite of novel multimedia performances, Tala’s aspiration is to bring musicians together to transcend distance, borders and culture, to encourage humanity through creative discourse, interactivity, and harmony. The goal is to revitalise the Middle-Eastern heritage in a multi-cultural context, while introducing a Middle-Eastern flavour to Western classical repertoire.

Tutunji's latest performances took place at the UNESCO - Paris and the Leighton House Museum, in collaboration with Opera Holland Park - London. She was also invited to represent Jordan in 'Breaking the Veils' Art Exhibition at the Royal Palace of Naples and Milan under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Wijdan.

Tala graduated with a Masters Degree from Trinity college of Music in June 2008 where she studied under Christine Croshaw and Mikhail Kazakavich. Tala was awarded a scholarship from the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester and graduated in 2003 with a BMUS Honours degree. Following her piano studies with Mrs. Rula Cameran Nabeel, who inspired her passion for performance, Tala was awarded a joint scholarship from the Purcell Anniversary Fund and Chetham’s School of Music to pursue her musical education in the United Kingdom.

Tala is currently the Co-founder and Director of Sijal Interactive Arts and the Chelsea Music Academy along with the composer Bushra El-Turk. She is also the artistic director for the commissioned score of the classic animated German film 'The Adventures of Prince Achmed'. Tala is the artistic director of the renowned 'Al-Hurrieh' Concert Series inspired by Khalil Gibran's writings on freedom.

Future solo engagements include the National Concert Hall, Dublin and the Barbican, London. 

تالا توتنجي

المدينة: عمان
تاربخ الانضمام: 01/06/2011 - 10:43

جذور تالا توتنجي الشرقية مجتمعة مع شغفها للعروض المسرحية فتح آفاقا جديدة و حفلات عديدة في جميع أنحاء العالم. و تشترك تالا توتنجي بشكل منتظم كعازفة بيانو في حفلات في جميع أنحاء أوروبا والشرق الأوسط. كما أنها شاركت في المهرجانات العالمية و العربية منها مهرجان هرمز ،و مهرجان الأردن. تخرج تالا توتنجي مع درجة الماجستير من كلية الموسيقى في يونيو 2008 حيث درست تحت كرشو وكريستين ميخائيل كذكفش. وتالا حصلت على منحة دراسية من الكلية الملكية للموسيقى في مانشستر وتخرج في عام 2003 مع مرتبة الشرف. تالا هي مؤسسه ومديرة أكاديمية تشيلسي للموسيقى جنبا إلى جنب مع زملاتها بشرى الترك. و هي أيضا المدير الفنية لفليم الرسوم المتحركة الكلاسيكية الألماني 'مغامرات الأمير أحمد' في 2008 ، عين الإعلام العربي ووتش تالا توتنجي في منصب المديرة الفنية لسلسلة الحالقات الشهيرة "آلحريه" المستوحاة من جبران خليل جبران في كتاباته عن الحرية.

Tala Tutunji in the Press:

"When a love for stage turned an impeccable talent for tickling the ivories, Tala Tutunji hit a high note and managed to keep it up." 
Jordan Times

"Tala Tutunji's performances were mostly filled with nostalgic loneliness, mingled with a certain longing for happiness, at times reminiscent of a solitary voice 'crying in the desert'." 
Fondazione Meditteraneo

"In two affecting and passionate performances, Jordanian pianist Tala Tutunji, who studied music at Trinity College of Music in London, performed a Samuel Barber cello and piano sonata with cellist David Lale, and Elegy by Amo Babadjanian." 
The Tanjara

"Tala Tutunji's inspirational notes opened the evening in harmonious exchange between the soft and vibrant notes of Tareq Younis's composition Escape III, which charmed the audience." 
Al Quds Al Arabi

"Tala Tutunji has the advantage of being a musician in the Arab world and combines her talent as an expectional pianist abroad with her Middle Eastern heritage." 
Al Ahram Weekly

"Tala Tutunji, gave a promising concert with the Iraqi pianist Mohammad Othman Sidiq and took the audience through a spectacular musical journey."
Jordan Today

"Jordanian pianist Tala Tutunji along with her duo partner cellist Tara-Lee Byrne gave a superb performance from the Prologue with its lament motive and agitato section to the Finale with its wide variety of instrumental effects." 
The Citizen


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