Podcast from My Latest "Hi Keefak Ça Va?" (Ep. 4) Radio Show Available!

The Podcast from my latest show "Hi Keefak Ça Va?" Episode 4 (which aired yesterday April 14) is available for free downloading! Go to this link then click on the arrows on the bottom right of the page to listen (right-click to save the MP3 file(s) to your computer). Thanks for your support!


If the link above doesn't work for you you can listen directly by clicking on the 2 link below:

PART 1: http://tinyurl.com/3wt3fam

PART 2 :http://tinyurl.com/4284ef3

DJ Ramzi

Hi, Keefak, Ça Va? DJ: Ramzi S. Thurs, 14 April 2011 1600 - 1800

1. Fairuz/ El Bint El Shalabiyah/ Best of Fairuz/ EMI Arabia
2. Cake/ Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps/ Welcome to Woop Woop/ Universal Records
3. Ramy Ayach and Abeer Nehme/ Belaaks/ Belaaks/ Oreole Records
4. Maryam Saleh/ Wahdi/ Single/ Unreleased
5. Mashrou' Leila/ Fasateen/ Mashrou' Leila/ B-Root Productions
6. Rousan, Yazan And Autostrad/ Ya Salaam (Wow)/ Autostrad/ Planet Records
7. Abdel Halim Hafez/ Qariat El Finjan/ Qariat El Finjan/ EMI
8. Omar Offendum/ Finjan/ SyrianamericanA/ Cosher Ink, LLC
9. Hanin Y Son Cubano/ Ya habibi taala/ Ya habibi taala/ Hanin
10. Asmahan/ Ya habibi Taala/ Les Indispensbles/ Jasmine Music/ IODA

11. Kassis, Tania/ Ounchoudat Bayrout (Hymn Of Beirut)/ Oriental Colors/ Magnum Records International
12. Saleh, Tania/ Slow Down/ Wehde/ Tohme
13. Atlas, Natacha/ Ne Me Quitte Pas/ Ayeshteni/ Mantra/Beggers Banquet
14. Elissa/ Kermalak/ Al-Rawa'i (Greatest Hits)/ New Sound
15. Belyzel, Najoua/ Fille d'Orient ou d'Occident/ Au Feminin/ PID
16. Ziad El Ahmadie/ Organised Chaos/ Chaos/ Forward Music
17. Ayoub, Elizabeth/ Ya Oud/ Oceanos Y Lunas/ Four Quarters Entertainment
18. Hani Mitwasi/ TOZ lak wala 3ala bali/ Single/ Unreleased
19. Rami Ayash/ Ya Msahar Eyny/ Hizzy: Hips in the Mix/ Level Up Records
20. Assi Hallani/ Oddam Eyoonek/ Hizzy: Hips in the Mix/ Level Up Records
21. Fares Karam/ El Tanoura/ Hizzy: Hips in the Mix/ Level Up Records


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