It's not what's ON your head; it's what's IN your head" |
The second event was titled “A Day in the Life of a Hijabi," (see pics below) which a campus-wide challenge that encourages Stanford students to explore a Muslim woman’s choice and decision to wear the hijab, or Islamic headscarf, while upholding her right to choose her form of dress and self-expression. This day of activism challenges Stanford females to wear a scarf around their head in solidarity with the right of women to choose, as an opportunity to explore a culture that many times is portrayed as “foreign,” and to make a stance against the rising number of discrimination and employment cases in which women who wear the hijab are prevented from applying for certain jobs within the United States. The dayalso incorporates the support of Stanford males by providing them with a free pink t-shirt (with the slogan “It’s about what’s in your head, not on it”) and asking them to wear said shirt on the awareness day in increased solidarity.