Museum as Hub: Beirut Art Center

Museum as Hub: Beirut Art Center

New Museum, New York
December 14, 2011 - February 5, 2012

Tony Chakar.
A Retroactive Monument for a Chimerical City 

"Museum as Hub: Beirut Art Center” is a project which includes an exhibition, the presentation of Beirut Art Center’s Mediatheque and a series of events.
The exhibition entitled “Due to unforeseen events …”, examines specific cases in which the production or presentation of an artwork in Lebanon was altered from its original idea, hence raising unexpected questions and unfolding new meanings. The exhibition features descriptions of each case in addition to new commissions, in which artists respond to the alteration of their original ideas or intentions, using archival documentation as well as new texts, images, and objects. The aim is to question issues that are relevant to contemporary art practices and the recent history and politics of Lebanon, such as the relation between art and public spaces, the critical reception of works, and censorship. The exhibition features works by Ziad Abillama, Tony Chakar, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Rabih Mroué, and Kirsten Scheid.
In the resource center, Beirut Art Center will also present theirMediatheque, a digital archive that offers public access to works —including video, image, sound, and text—by artists from Arab countries, Iran, Turkey and Armenia. The mediatheque alos includes a selected archive of events that took place at Beirut Art Center since its opening.
Beirut Art Center has also organized a series of public performances and screenings in conjunction with the exhibitiion.
“Museum as Hub: Beirurt Art Center” is organized by Sandra Dagher and Lamia Joreige.

Program of events
Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 7pm
Old and New Acoustics: A Solo Performance by Sharif Sehnaoui
For more info: click here
Saturday, December 17, 2011 at 3pm
“Closer”: Screening Program
For more info: click here
Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 7pm
“Horror is Universal” (The End),
a video and music performance by Raed Yassin
For more info: click here
To visit the New Museum's website page: click here


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