New French PM Jean-Marc Ayrault's Last Name Causes Giggles in the Arab World

The new French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault's last name sounds like an Arabic slang word for 'his penis.'

Pronounced properly in French, the last name sounds like a 'naughty' Lebanese and Palestinian term that is widely understood in the Arabic world.  The name has left broadcasters trying to determine if they should pronounce it as the prime minister does -- "ai-roh" -- or if they should resort to voicing the "L" and "T" in the written word.

Here is a report from about this topic followed by a TV report, in Arabic, from the Arabic TV Channel Al-Jadeed.

اسم رئيس حكومة فرنسا "ايرو"... مشكلة للصحافيين

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