'Zayi Zayak' Gender Equality Campaign Overtakes Amman, Jordan

June 2012 saw a campaign titled زيي . . . زيك [Arabic for 'I Am...Like You'] overtake the streets of the Jordanian capital Amman. It included men and women holding anthems and slogans in the streets declaring freedom for women from oppreession, including marital rape. The campaign aimed at eradicating honor crimes and placing women on an equal social status with men. It also demanded the right to Jordanian citizenship for non-Jordanian husbands of Jordanian women.

The campaign demanded the full application of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Arab women just as for men. This chart, according to them,  comes before any State, any culture, any tradition, any mentality.

Here is a video of the peaceful demonstration in Amman followed by pictures of the slogans (with my English translation):

These pictures were taken from the following Facebook Pages:  www.facebook.com/Frekeeh and www.facebook.com/intifadat.almar2a [Women's Intifada] (Arabic slogans translated into English below each picture by yours truly):

I Like to Cook Too!

Your Customs Are Killing Me

Why Do You Care About What She's Wearing?

I Am Made for More than Just Standing at the Kitchen Sink

Why Should She Be Locked Up at Home?

I Am the Queen of Myself

My Right to Citizenship Is Not Charity Or Impossible to Attain

Don't Take Out Your Sexual Frustration on Me

I Am...Like You:  I Can Work in Whatever Field I Want

For more info about related issues see http://frekeeh.wordpress.com


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