Podcast: November 1 Episode of 'Arabology' Ft Author Soha Al-Jurf

The 4th episode of the 3rd season of my radio show 'Arabology' (aired Nov 1, 2012) includes an interview with Soha Al-Jurf, author of 'Even My Voice Is Silence.' Also includes new alternative music from the Arab world accompanied by commentary, in English, by your host DJ Ramzi.

Playlist for Arabology Thurs, 1 Nov 2012 3pm - 5pm DJ: Ramzi S.
Artist/ Track/ Album/ Label
1. El Khalil, Omeima/ Leh?/ Ya/ Forward Music
2. Watcha Clan/ Osfour (Bird)/ Arabic Beat/ Putumayo World Music
3. Trio Joubran/ Nawwar/ Paleo Festival Village Du Monde 2012--Moyen Orient/ Disques Office
4. Laroussi, Djamel/ Kifach Hilti (What’S The Outcome?)/ Arabic Beat/ Putumayo World Music
5. Samsa/ Alem Jdid (New World)/ Alem Jdid (New World)/ Skander Guetari
6. Maraka, Aziz/ Possessed/ Master Copy/ Cd Baby
7. Ajram, Nancy/ Ya Banat / Super Nancy/ Emi
8. Slimani, Ali/ Lirah/ Arabic Beat/ Putumayo World Music
9. Interview with Soha Al-Jurf/IPart 1/ Arabology/ KZSU
10. Dam/ Mali Huriye/ Paleo/ Disques Office
11. Interview with Soha Al-Jurf/ Part 2/ Arabology/ KZSU
12. Nour/ Narbat/ Arabic Beat/ Putumayo World Music
13. Mashrou' Leila/ Imm El Jacket/ El Hal Romancy EP/ Mashrou' Leila
14. Pangia/ Samra/ West Of East Vol. 5/ Pangia Vol 5
15. Baba Zula/ Temptation/ Paleo Festival Village Du Monde 2012/ Disques Office
16. Al-Jundi, Zein/ Ajmal Gharam (The Most Beautiful Passion)/ Arabic Beat/ Putumayo World Music
17. Aburedwan, Ramzi/ Gitans En Orient (Gypsies In The East)/ Reflections/ Riverboat Records

* Previous Arabology Podcasts: http://www.radio4all.net/index.php/series/Arabology
*Arabology Blog is at http://author32.blogspot.com
*Arabology Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/arabology


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