
For Sale: Authentic Kahlil Gibran Signature on "Al-Hilal" Magazine Page from 1918

Revolution Records: First Underground Rap Label in Egypt

Beirut, I Love You: A Memoir by Zena El Khalil

Jan 24 'Arabology' Podcast Marks Egyptian Revolution Anniversary

CD Review: Rim Banna - Revelation of Ecstasy and Rebellion

Beirut Prints Presents 100 Photographs From Beirut

Jameel Prize Winning Artist Rachid Koraishi at Stanford

Kerredine Soltani Sings about Integration of Muslims into French Society

Jadal's New Song Broaches Materialism, Modernity and the Value of National Cultural Productions

My CD Review: Donia Masoud - Mahatet Masr

My CD Review: Jadal - El Makina

Donia Massoud Revives Egyptian Folkloric [Shaabi] Music with a Style of Her Own

Chamber Music from the Arab World Event at Lincoln Center in New York Today (Jan 12, 2013)

'5 Broken Cameras' Documentary Tracks Palestinian Farmer's Struggle

Stanford Event: A Day in the Life of a Hijabi (Jan 15-16)


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