My CD Review: Donia Masoud - Mahatet Masr

Born and raised in Alexandria, Donia Masoud began at a young age a three-year journey searching for and documenting Egyptian folk poetry and music. She traveled the length and breadth of the country, from Suez to Upper Egypt, to learn and study the musical repertoires of ordinary people. Upon her return, she founded her own independent troupe of musicians, with whom she now tours Europe, Asia and Africa performing Egyptian folkloric songs.

--All Tracks are FCC CLEAN—

**1. Hen Al Ola (2:10) Traditional Egyptian tune originating in the Upper Nile region.

2. . Mesh Eb Aleky (3:48) Donia’s vocals meshing with the sound of the reed (nay). About an older woman in love with a much younger man.

3. Nena El Gnena (3:20) Hypnotic track, a cappella.

4. Ya Lalale (6:38) Nice beat, simple shaabi tune.

5. Babee Yasmeen (6:16) Long nay/flute intro, sounds like a mawwal or lamentation.

**6. Betnadeny (5:34) Sung to a female (by a female) who has been dumped for a man.

**7. Donia Ya Donia (2:25) A cry to the world, nice rhythm and beat, tableh/drums.

8. El Tager (4:51).Title means ‘The Merchant.’ Very traditional tune.

9. Garhy (5:31) Fast beat, drums, traditional instruments, lyrics about being wounded.

10. Ale Etgharab (6:53) Sad, slow intro, picks up with Donia’s repetitive lyrics.

**My picks: 1, 6,7 Ramzi Salti


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