March 7 Arabology Podcast ft Alexander Key and Weyam Ghadbian

Listen to this podcast at this link

The March 7, 2013 episode of 'Arabology' features an interview with Alexander Key, Assistant Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature at Stanford, who discusses Arabic poetry (in English) while eloquently reciting poems by Al-Mutanabi and Amal Donkol in Arabic.
Show also includes interview with Weyam Ghadbian, the Cultural Program Director at the Arab Cultural and Community Center in San Francisco, who discusses the 6th Annual Bay Area Arab Women's Conference which is taking place on March 16, 2013.
Includes music by Said Mrad, Aly Talibab, Kamel Badarneh, Rim Banna, Aswat, Ramy Essam, Elizabeth Ayoub and the Lebanese band Doors To Aspiration (DTA).

Listen below or at this link; podcast also available on Spotify, Anghami, etc


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