A Night of Music with Yassir Chadly, Eliyahu Sills, Tim Abdellah Fuson, Bouchaib Abdelhadi

A Night of Moroccan Gnawa, Sufi and Trance Music
with Yassir Chadly, Eliyahu Sills, Tim Abdellah Fuson & Bouchaib Abdelhadi

Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 8:00pm
La Peña Cultural Center in Berkeley, CA

Coming together for the first time, this group of internationally acclaimed musicians will entrance the audience with the sounds of North Africa on traditional instruments including Sintir, Ney, Guimbri, Oud, Darbukkah and Bendir. Members of this collaboration include the founder of The Qadim Ensemble, El Hameedeen, and Zuwwar Ennabi Gnawa Ensemble. They have received national recognition on NPR’s All Things Considered, NPR’s Living on Earth, and top sales on Billboard Music charts. This group of Bay Area treasures coming together will be a fantastic evening of music not to be missed!


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