May Nasr Records 'Ouhibouka' with Lyrics by Ghada Al Samman

Music Composition/Sung by: May Nasr
Instrumental orchestration by: Lou Salloum
Lyrics: Ghada Samman

See lyrics in Arabic and in English translation below, followed by interview with May Nasr in which she discussed this new release.

Here are the lyrics by Syrian writer/poet Ghada Al Samman in Arabic and in English translation:

I love you..
Because you are only capable of loving yourself..
You make no effort to conceal this fact..

I have loved you for a thousand years..
Because, to this date, I am still incapable of truly knowing you..

I love you...
For you are both my storm and freedom and my prison...

I love you..for your beauty and creativity....
A divine poet...unworthy of trust...
Finger tips of color and light...screaming out with the perfume of jasmine...

I love you...
For you are gypsy traveler...
You embody pure poetry...
Your inflamed body is a raging storm....!

I love you.....simply because I love you......

أحبك ..
لأنك لا تعرف كيف تحب غير ذاتك ..
ولا تبذل مجهوداً لإخفاء ذلك !

أحبك ..
من ألف عام
لأنني مازلت حتى اليوم أجهلك !

أحبك ..
لأنك العاصفة والمرفئ في آن ..
والحرية والقفص !

أحبك ..
لأنك جميل ومبدع ..
وشاعر لا يؤتمن جانبه
أصابعه اللون والضوء .. 
والصرخة وعطر الياسمين !

أحبك ..
لأنك ضجري الترحال المستقر ..
لأنك القصائد
لأن جسدك الحار قليل الأعصار !

أحبك ..
لأني .. أحبك !

My interview with May Nasr for my Arabology radio program (May 2013):


Click image above to listen

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