The 40th Day: Film Based on Short Story by Dr. Ramzi Salti

The 40th Day:  Short film based on short story by R. Salti

'The 40th Day' is a short film (5 min) that is loosely based on one of my short stories titled titled 'Vivian and Her Son' which was originally published in my book The Native Informant and Other Stories.

The film/story is about a Middle Eastern mother who is forced to deal with the death of her son by coming to terms with their relationship and by reflecting on the things she might have done differently.

I applaud the director/producers/writers etc for their ability to broach so many social issues that often remain undiscussed in many Arab-American and/or Middle Eastern communities, even in the diaspora. Also kudos to the actors--especially main actress Nina Nayebi for her amazing portrayal of the mother in the film.
  • For more info about the film (IMDB) click HERE
  • To read 'Vivian and Her Son' (by Ramzi Salti) upon which this film was based, click HERE
  • For film screenings and more see or click HERE.

Here are some screenshots from the film followed by the full credits:

Nina Nayebi in 'The 40th Day'

Screenshot from 'The 40th Day' courtesy of Eric Chenjie Pan

Screenshot from 'The 40th Day' courtesy of Eric Chenjie Pan

The 40th Day: Film Credits

Writing credits(in alphabetical order)
Scott Eriksson writer
Ramzi Salti story

 Hassan Mahmoud ... Edris
 Nina Nayebi ... Samira
 Andrew Chen ... Mike
 Moe Alafrangy ... Omar
 Fariba Skobin ... Sahara

Lida Ranjbaran ... Mira
Hilary Montez ... Funeral Guest
Cristina Antuna ... Funeral Guest

Michael 'Pugita' Kobayashi .... stunt coordinator


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