A Focus on Egypt and Turkey [Oct 17 Stanford Event}

THE MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES FORUM at Stanford presents Summer of 2013: A Focus on Egypt and Turkey.

Amr Adly (Stanford University), “Egypt after June 30th: Between Abortive and Potential Fascism”
Ayça Alemdaroğlu (Stanford University), “Youth and Politics in Turkey”
Alexander Key (Stanford), “Should It Matter What We Call It? Islamic, Democratic, and Spring Politics”
Kabir Tambar (Stanford University), “Popular Protest and the Politics of the Present in Turkey”

Monday, October 21, 2013, 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Encina Hall, Bechtel Conference Center . It is free and open to the public.

[Co-sponsored by the Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, the CDDRL Program on Arab Reform and Democracy, and the Stanford Humanities Center Workshop on Ethnic Minorities, Religious Communities, Rights and Democracy in the Modern Middle East and Central Asia]


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