My Interview with Moumen Smihi + Peter Limbrick

With Moumen Smihi (top pic) and Peter Limbrick, Stanford 2013
Click on the arrow below to hear my interview with Moroccan Filmmaker Moumen Smihi and Professor Peter Limbrick, Associate Professor, Film and Digital Media, UCSC.  The interview was conducted on October 17, 2013 at Stanford University.

Moumen Smihi is a critically celebrated Moroccan filmmaker whose career spans more than four decades, during which he has written, produced and directed award-winning and influential feature films, short films and documentaries. He is often credited for creating  "new Arab cinema."   His production company, IMAGO Film International, founded in 1979, has produced some twenty films and edited books on film theory.

Peter Limbrick is Associate Professor of Film and Digital Media. He is the author of Making Settler Cinemas: Film and Colonial Encounters in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand(Palgrave 2010) and of articles in Third Text, Screening the Past, Camera Obscura, and Journal of Visual Culture as well as edited anthologies.

Professor Limbrick is currently heading a 2-day Symposium at UC Santa Cruz (Oct 25-26, 2013) titled
Unfixed Itineraries:: Film and Visual Culture from Arab Worlds.  For the full schedule of events, see their Program page and  Events.  See also my blog entry.

Pictures from Moumin Smihi + Peter Limbrick's visit to Stanford:

Peter Limbrick (far left) and Moumin Smihi (4th from right) with Stanford scholars and students

Moumen Smihi speaking with Stanford faculty and students

Moumin Smihis's Filmography:.
  • The Unlucky Man [Si Moh, pas de chance] (1971)
  • El Chergui, (The Eastwind) (1976)
  • The Tales of the Night اسطورة الليل (1982
  • The Big Mirror (1987)
  • The Lady from Cairo (1991)
  • Defending Egyptian Cinema (1990)
  • With Matisse in Tangiers (1993)
  • Moroccan Chronicles (1999)
  • A Muslim Childhood (2005)
  • Of Virgins and Swallows (2008) العذارى والسنونو
  • Tanjaoui (2013)


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