Top 30 alternative/indie Arabic Songs of 2013 Featured on Dec 20 'Arabology' Podcast

This year-end episode of 'Arabology' (aired Dec 20) showcases and discusses the Top 30 alternative/indie Arabic songs of 2013 along with exclusive shout-outs by some of the artists whose music is featured, including Tania Kassis, Tania Saleh, Hamed Sinno [Mashrou' Leila], Yassir Chadly, Yasmine Hamdan, May Nasr, Eliyahu Sills, Rania Kurdi, DAM, Mike Massy, and Omar Offendum.

You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the arrow below or at

Top 30 Songs 2013 for Arabology 20 Dec 2013 DJ: Ramzi S.

1.  Massar Egbari/ Iqra2 El Khabar/ Iqra2 El Khabar/ Massar Egbari
2.  Akher Zephir/ Akherto Lahn Hazin/ Counter Culture/ Eka3
3.  Mashrou' Leila/ Abdo/ Raasuk/ Mashrou' Leila Preceded by message from Hamed Sinno
4.  Sadat & Alaa Fifty Cent/ Five Pound Credit/ Generation Bass/ Six Degrees Records 
5.  Hello, Psychaleppo!/ Tobayabooya/ Gool L'Ah/ Samer Saem Eldahr
6.  Abdulrahman Mohammad/ Asabaki 3ishq/ Abdulrahman Mohammed
7.  Omeima El Khalil,/ Shab Y Sabiyeh/ Ya/ Forward Music 
8.  Ensemble Ibn Arabi/ Her Words Bring Me to Life Again/Arabo-Andalusian Sufi Songs/ Long Distance France
9.  DAM/ If I Could Go Back In Time/ Debke On The Moon/ DAM Preceded by message from DAM
10. Stormtrap/ Taht El Agal/ Stormtrap/Stormtrap Asfeh
11. Elepheel+Edd Abbas+Lipos/ Master Cosmic Spy/ Tripnol/ Edd Abbas/Lipos/Elepheel
12. Jadal/ Fe Nabd Ana Has/ El Makina/ Mahmoud Radaideh
13. Rania Kurdi/ Ana Ana/ Sasha Abi Najmeh/ Rania Kurdi Preceded by message from Rania Kurdi
14. Michelle & Noel Keserwany/ Jagal El USEK/ Jagal El USEK/ Keserwany
15. Tania Kassis/ Ounchoudat Bayrout/ Oriental Colors/ Magnum Records Preceded by message from Tania Kassis
16. Zeid Hamdan/ Asfeh (Acoustic)/ Single/ Lebanese Undergroud
17. Mike Massy/ Ya 3achikat Al Ward/ Ya Zaman/  Falak Productions Preceded by message from Mike Massy
18. Jowan Safadi & Haya Zaatry/ Ji2tu ila Ahli/ Ghanni 3n Al-Taareef/
19. Ziyad Sahhab/ Kaza Kitab/ Keep On Singing/ Forward Music
20. Tania Saleh/ Hashishet Albi (Live)/ Live At Drm/ Forward Music Preceded by message from Tania Saleh
21. Labess/ El Kass Yadour/ Identite/ Needlepoint Records
22. Khaled/ Laila/ C'est La Vie/ Universal Music France
23. Rachid Taha/ Now Or Never/ Zoom/ Naive
24. Omar Offendum/ The Arab Speaks of Rivers & Finjan/ Syrianamericana/ Cosher Ink Preceded by message from Omar Offendum
25. Yassir Chadly/ Bil Mustapha/ Asheeq Zeen/ Yassir Chadly Preceded by message from Yassir Chadly
26. Khaled Aljaramani/ Farah/ Athar/ Institut Du Monde Arabe & Harmonia Mundi
27. Mohamed Abozekry and  Heejaz/ Sur La Route/ Chaos/ Neonovo
28. Eliyahu & The Qadim Ensemble/ Maghrebi/ Eastern Wind/ Self Release Preceded by message from Eliyahu Sills
29. May Nasr/ Ouhibuka (Lyrics by Ghada Samman)/ Single/ May Nasr Preceded by message from May Nasr
30. Yasmine Hamdan/ Nediya/ Ya Nass/ Crammed Discs Preceded by message from Yasmine Hamdan

'Arabology' is a weekly radio program, currently in its sixth season, which airs on KZSU 90.1 FM (San Francisco bay area).  It is hosted by Dr. Ramzi Salti, Lecturer at Stanford University, who showcases and discusses (mostly alternative) Arabic music, along with interviews + commentary in English. Previous Podcasts at


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