Jordanian Artist Tamer Al Ahmar Revives Cultural Icons in Unique Ways

Tamer Al-Ahmar displays some of his art in Amman, Jordan

I first stumbled upon Tamer Al-Ahmar's art when I was in Jordan in the summer of 2016.  His work--showcasing such cultural icons as Fairuz, Sabah, Um Kulthum and Dalida--immediately caught my eye and I resolved to meet this fine young artist who, several months later, agreed to speak with me via Skype about his work and background.

Tamer told me that had been interested in art ever since he can remember and, growing up, initially wanted to be a fashion designer.  In school, his drawings would be displayed and admired by students and faculty alike and he even had a private Facebook group where he drew memorable caricatures for selected friends who urged him to publish his work in different media.

Despite the fact that he majored in Business at the University of Jordan, Tamer always participated in art workshops and became very interested in the digital medium. Here, he credits Professor Alia Nemeh Haddad for recognizing his artistic talent and for encouraging to go further. "I did a presentation for one of her courses where I spoke about my art and she was amazed," he said. "She subsequently invited him to give various lectures about my art in different venues."

Tamer's first professional break came when he was hired by a Jordanian kids' magazine called Kidztimez where he began creating various characters.  "We started with two pages," he recalls, "then it turned into four then eventually I began designing their design cover."  See samples below.


His artistic journey then led him to begin immortalizing cultural figures he admired through his unique artistic style. "The first artwork I did was of Asmahan," he says, "and that piece was immediately commissioned by several stores in Amman who wanted to sell the poster. "I then continued the set by creating pieces for Fairuz, Sabah, Dalida, Shadia, Najat Al-Saghira and
Warda."  The set was subsequently displayed in various galleries, boutiques and stores in Amman--a step that solidified Tamer's reputation as one of Jordan's most groundbreaking artists.

Tamer Al-Ahmar with his artistic tribute to Fairuz
The unprecedented--and perhaps unexpected--interest in Tamer's art led him to join Society6, an online platform where anyone can purchase his art from prints and posters to imprinted T-shirts and other memorabilia.  The site offers worldwide service and timely delivery options. See THIS LINK.

Tamer's artwork can be ordered at
The success of Tamer's art, particularity the iconic series that initially launched his career, led the young artist to expand his "Diva Tributes" to include such icons as Souad Husni and Samira Tawfiq, as well as new pieces for Fairuz, Sabah, and Wadi El Safi.  He also issued a set of postcards in Jordan which have proved quite successful.

For his next project, Tamer is working on a series of male icons/singers--some of which he has already completed--including his tribute to legendary Egyptian crooner Abdul Halim Hafez,

In addition to his impressing oeuvre in digital pieces, Tamer has of late been working with Director Faisal Attrache on the movie poster for the latter's upcoming film, From the Mountain. "When Faisal saw my art, he immediately connected with me," he said. "We then worked for over two months to perfect the work, and it looks like Faisal will be using as the main poster for the film."

Poster for From the Mountain film, designed by Tamer Al-Ahmar
Tamer Al-Ahmar's art makes for a perfect, unique gift for anyone interested in cultural figures from the Arab world.  I myself just received my Fairuz phone cover--which I ordered from the Society6 website--and I love it!

For more info about Tamer Al-Ahmar's work, see
To order various items featuring Tamer Al-Ahmar work, go to


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