Arabology Interviews Amir Eid of 'Cairokee' Band

Stanford Lecturer Dr. Ramzi Salti interviews Amir Eid, lead vocalist/songwriter/guitarist for the Egyptian band Cairokee, which came to prominence during/following the Egyptian Revolution of 2011 and whose latest best-selling album "Noaata Beida نقطة بيضا 2017" featured the song "Kont Faker"--a track that topped Arabology's Top 20 Songs of 2017. Listen to the interview below or at

Recorded at KZSU 90.1 FM (Stanford University) in February 2018, this interview features various Cairokee song segments as Amir Eid discusses his musical influences, his career, and the reception of Cairokee's latest album in the Middle East and the West.

Cairokee's band members include Amir Eid (vocals & rhythm guitar), Tamer Hashem (drums), Sherif Hawary (Lead guitar), Adam El-Alfy (bass guitar) and Sherif Mostafa (Keyboard). More info at

يمكنكم الآن الاستماع الى المقابلة الاذاعية التي اجريتها منذ يومين مع المغني والمؤلف الموسيقي الشهير أمير عيد من فرقة كايروكي المصرية عبر الرابط أدناه. تم بث هذا الحوار خلال البرنامج الثقافي "عربولوجي" الذي يقدمه الدكتور رمزي سلطي عبر إذاعة جامعة ستانفورد في كاليفورنيا.


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