Ramzi Salti Interviews Groundbreaking Arab Rapper Emsallam (October 2020)

Watch video at https://youtu.be/MJrZOBZXSgA
Watch video at this link

October 2020--Stanford Lecturer + Arabology host Dr. Ramzi Salti interviewed audio visual artist + rapper Emsallam who joined us by Zoom, live from Russia, in order to take us on a track-by-track journey of his new album Dyslexia (released at the end of Oct 2020).   See list of tracks below.

You can watch the video below or at https://youtu.be/MJrZOBZXSgA

Here is a list of featured audio excerpts from Emsallam's Dyslexia album © Keife Records 2020 
Click on time following each track to go directly to that segment in interview.

01- Emsallam - Ferdy (15:40
02- Emsallam - PMWL (17:40
03- Emsallam Ft Adan Wakeen - Aref Enak (24:09
04- Emsallam - Dasher 7osromna (28:36
05- Emsallam - Sea Weed (31:07
06- Emsallam Ft Tamer Naffar - Walla 5a6ar 3ala bali (35:18
07- Emsallam - La Malamah (36:57
08- Emsallam - Made in Mama (39:43
09- Emsallam - Ya 3alem el 7al (41:49
10- Emsallam - Ana Illy Kan Ma3aya (INTRO OUTRO) (44:49


1. Khawa (6:44) featuring Krist Zoubi and Produced by The Archiducer, Sampled from the Syrian Series "Ma Fi Amal" theme song, and one of Emsallam's album The Last Step released 03/09/16 Filmed by Zack Al Kharouf. Edited, Coloured, And Directed By Msallam Hdaib 

2. Dasher Hosromna Written and performed by Emsallam. Produced by Ayman Salhi AKA The Archiducer. Mixed and mastered by Ayman Salhi AKA The Archiducer © Keife Records 2020 https://www.facebook.com/keiferecords... 

3. Aref Innak by Emsallam featuring Adan Wakeem. Co-produced by Emsallam and Ayman Alsalhi AKA The Archiduce. Mixed and mastered by Ayman Alsalhi AKA The Archiducer. Music video directed, shot, edited by Tanya Marar. Title card by Naji Al abbadi Starring: Salma Malhas 

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