All 13 Seasons of Ramzi Salti's Arabology Radio Show Available on Souncloud (101 Episodes)

All 13 seasons of Dr. Ramzi Salti's Arabology podcasts are available on Soundcloud, for a total of 101 episodes.  Listen below or at

Currently in its tenth year, this radio program/podcast began airing on KZSU 90.1 FM in 2011 with the aim of highlighting various cultural productions from/about the Arab world, with a special focus on indie/alternative music.  The show is presented in English with commentary by its host, Stanford Lecturer Dr. Ramzi Salti.

With the beginning of the pandemic back in March 2020, the show has had to change formats and is now available as a series of audio-visual YouTube interviews with groundbreaking Arab musicians, poets, artists and more.  To stay up to date with the latest episodes, please subscribe to Arabology's YouTube Channel at

We are looking forward to resuming the audio podcasts as soon as the radio station reopens this year inshallah.  In the meantime, feel free to peruse/enjoy all previous Arabology podcasts by listening below or going to

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