Ramzi Salti Moderates Discussion of Lebanese Film "1982" in San Francisco (July 31 at 4:30 pm)

Screening and Q&A on Sunday July 31 at 4:30 pm (Opera Cinema Plaza in SF)

The critically acclaimed Lebanese film "1982" played in the bay area on Sunday July 31 at the Opera Plaza Cinema in San Francisco.  

NOW AVAILABLE: A complete video recording of Dr. Ramzi Salti conducting a Q&A session with Lebanese Director Oualid Moueness following the screening of his film 1982 on July 31 at the Opera Plaza Cinema in San Francisco. 

Watch below or at https://youtu.be/Z7nEOT3i2ts

The film stars Lebanese superstar Nadine Labaki (Capernaum, Caramel) and Mohamad Dalli (in his acting debut) alongside an extraordinary ensemble cast of professional and non-professional actors (In Arabic and some English, with English Subtitles).

1982 is a life-affirming coming-of-age tale set at an idyllic school in Lebanon’s mountains on the eve of a looming invasion. It unfolds over a single day and follows an 11-year-old boy’s relentless quest to profess his love to a girl in his class. As the invasion encroaches on Beirut, it upends the day, threatening the entire country and its cohesion. Within the microcosm of the school, the film draws a harrowing portrait of a society torn between its desire for love and peace and the ideological schisms unraveling its seams. In his debut feature, writer/director Oualid Mouaness delivers an ode to innocence in which he revisits one of the most cataclysmic moments in Lebanon’s history through the lens of a child and his vibrant imagination. The film demonstrates the complexities of love and war, and the resilience of the human spirit. 

Watch the film trailer below or at https://youtu.be/ly1jyhqyj7w

Watch Ramzi Salti's talk with Director Oualid MOuaness at https://youtu.be/Z7nEOT3i2ts

The film screened at OPERA PLAZA CINEMA located at 601 Van Ness Avenue, near San Francisco's Civic Center, San Francisco, CA, 94102.


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