Elyanna Becomes First Artist to Sing in Arabic at Coachella


Coachella is one of the most popular music festivals in the world, and this year's event was no exception. With over 100,000 people attending each day, it's not surprising that there were some incredible performances and standout moments. One of those moments came from the up-and-coming artist, Elyanna.

In addition to her incredible musical talent, it's also worth noting that Elyanna comes from a unique and diverse background. She is of Palestinian Chilean origin and often incorporates her heritage into her music.

During her set at Coachella, Elyanna spoke about her identity and how it influences her music. She shared that her Palestinian and Chilean roots have inspired her to create music that tells stories and sheds light on issues that are important to her.

Another remarkable aspect of Elyanna's performance at Coachella was that she was the first artist to sing in Arabic at the festival. This is a significant achievement and a powerful statement, considering the lack of representation of Middle Eastern and North African cultures in mainstream music festivals.

By performing in Arabic, Elyanna was not only showcasing her heritage but also highlighting the beauty and diversity of the Arabic language and culture. It's a step towards greater inclusivity and representation in the music industry and a reminder that music has the power to bring people together, regardless of their backgrounds or differences.

Here are 2 TV reports about Elyanna at Coachella (one in English and one in Arabic).


Below is a video playlist which includes 5 performances by Elyanna at Coachella (April 2023).  Click on "burger shape" in top right of the video window below to select.

For more, see Elyanna Opens El Gouna Film Festival 2023 with Her Song for Peace


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