Ramzi Salti Lectures on Post Arab Spring Music at Sijal Institute (2023)

You can watch highlights from the talk below or at this link

July 2023: Stanford Lecturer + Arabology radio host Dr. Ramzi Salti highlighted "post" Arab Spring music during a recent talk at Sijal Institute in Amman, Jordan. 
You can watch highlights from the talk below or at this link:

Featured excerpts: 1. Intro (0:00) 2. El General (Tunisia) 3. Emel Mathlouthi (Tunisia) 4. Ramy Essam (Egypt) 5. Cairokee (Egypt) 6. Maryam Saleh (Egypt) 7. Ibn Thabit (Libya) 8. Fairuz (Lebanon) 9. Mashrou Leila (Lebanon) 5:17 10. Tania Kassis (Lebanon) 11. Mike Massy (Lebanon) 8:46 12. Yasmine Hamdan (Lebanon) 13. Tania Saleh (Lebanon) 12:53 14. Omar Offendum (Syria) 15. Palestinian Rap 16. Jadal (Jordan) 17. Nawawi (Sudan) 

PowerPoint accompanying this talk is available below or at this link:

Arabology Podcast (All Episodes) ↓

Audio Interviews by Ramzi Salti ↓

Ramzi Salti: Events + Talks (Video Playlist) ↓

Ramzi Salti: Video Interviews (Playlist) ↓

Ramzi Salti's Arabology Guests ↓