
"Hanging Gardens" Film Explores Themes of War and Madness

Ramzi Salti Moderates Film Discussion of "From Baghdad to the Bay" in Oakland, California

He Was My Friend: A Poem by Karim Al Iraqi (Translated by Ramzi Salti)

Arabology Interviews Mona Damluji, Associate Dean + Director of the Markaz Resource Center at Stanford

Founder of National Youth Orchestra of Iraq Zuhal Sultan at Stanford

Arabology Podcast (All Episodes) ↓

Audio Interviews by Ramzi Salti ↓

Ramzi Salti: Events + Talks (Video Playlist) ↓

Ramzi Salti: Video Interviews (Playlist) ↓

Ramzi Salti's Arabology Guests ↓

Arabology on Music Platforms

Arabology on Music Platforms
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